Information for parents

This page is for all the parents out there going through the process of looking for quality childcare for the special little people in your life!

We're childcare experts!

As registered childminders we have to go through alot of processes before we can begin, firstly we are visited by OFSTED, who check that we are suitable people, our premises are safe, and clean. We all have a criminal record check and have to attend a course based on childminding and also a child carer first aid course. These are the courses you have to do but we are constantly training and reviewing our working practice. We have to keep lots of paperwork- contracts, accident/incident forms, medication book, attendance records, all of these are in place to protect your child and of course ourselves.

All childminders must meet the following OFSTED criteria and legislation.
- A professional carer registered and graded by OFSTED or Childminder Agency, to work in their own home, providing care for other people's children in a family setting.
- A suitable person holding a CRB certificate or DBS certificate.
- An insured person with public liability insurance.
- Hold a Paediatric First Aid certificate (12 hour course).
- An experienced carer, usually with children of their own and/or further Early Years training.

OFSTED Inspection

Once set up we will be inspected about six months later and be graded accordingly: OUTSTANDING, GOOD, REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT and INADEQUATE. Once the initial inspection has taken place, depending on the grade, the childminder will then be re-inspected either in the next six years or if OFSTED have a reason for concern, sooner.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The EYFS is a statutory framework that all childcare providers including childminders must follow when caring for children from birth to 5 years. Childminders are assessed and graded by Ofsted according to the criteria of this framework.

There are 7 areas of learning. The framework assists childminders in the observations, assessment and tracking of your child’s development.
The 7 key areas of learning are as follows:
* Communication and Language
* Physical development
* Personal, Social & emotional development
* Literacy
* Mathematics
* Understanding the world
* Expressive art and design

Finding a Registered Childminder

So how do you find a registered childminder, firstly you can look on here, or you can go to Lincolnshire Family Services Directory. Also OFSTED website This one is a bit more confusing as it is done by our registration number and lets you look at our reports. On this site there is an outstanding providers list which does have some contact details. It may be a good idea when you are phoning around and arranging visits to ask for the childminders registration numbers that way you can check the report before you go. Another good website to go to is the PACEY (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years) which can also help provide lots of information

Visiting a Childminder

When you go to see the childminder make sure that you write down what information you want to know that way you wont forget, most childminders will have a portfolio that contains policies, certificates of training and references so have a read of this while they get you a coffee!

Check the childminders certificates, OFSTED Registration and number so you can read their report, Paediatric First Aid, Insurance, Qualifications and Training. This will tell you how many children the childminder can care for in the two age groups children under five and children over five and also how many under one they can look after. This certificate will have already taken into account their own children. It will also have on it if they are registered overnight and if any parts of the house are not to be used or if they have a registered assistant. If you havent already seen it ask to check their OFSTED inspection report and then just have a good look round talk to other parents if there are any around if not see if the childminder will let you phone them to see how they get on at the setting.

Lincolnshire's Local Offer

The Local Offer is part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014. Click here for more information.

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